Norwegian Irish Society Kids’ Halloween Party 2019


The Norwegian Irish Society is organising the annual Kids’ Halloween Party!

Date: Sunday, 27 October 2019

Time: 14:00-16:00
Venue: Ullern Menighetshus, Holgerslystveien 22, 0280 Oslo
Admission: 60 kr per person (adults and children). Payment in advance by Vipps.

As always it would be great if each family could bring along a cake. There will be a prize for the spookiest one!

Please RSVP to by 18 October providing the following information:

Family name:

Number of children:

Number of adults:

Bringing cake: (Yes or No)

The programme will be distributed to those who register closer to the date. Needless to say, we will have plenty of games with prizes, music and dancing, and a goody bag for each child. We hope that you all dress up and join us for some ghastly fun!