Happy St. Patrick’s Day / Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit to all Irish, half-Irish, quarter-Irish, wish-they-were Irish in Norway. As we say, everyone can be Irish today, all you need is to wear something green and a smile (wearing only a smile in public however is probably illegal).
In these times it is a challenge to focus on anything other than negative things, but today let us all try to do something to remind ourselves of our being Irish and put a smile on our own and others’ faces…….
Some suggestions:
- Wear something green – underwear only, is acceptable but a little weird

- If you sing a song….sing an Irish song. There is a suggestion that people go to their doors or their windows or gardens at 4 pm today and belt out Ireland’s Call or Óró, sé do bheatha bhaile. Here is a refresher:

- Have some green food……although retrieving that bread from the organic recycling bag may be taking that a bit far. You can at least say to your kids that eating greens today is a national requirement. Or make colcannon or that traditional Irish dish of guacamole.

- Fly the flag. You all know how proud Norway is of their flag……so why not fly ours, on your balcony, on your garage. Or fly whatever you intended to wave at the parade….your county colours, your green scarf.

- Have your own parade at home : let the Irish music blare , line up the kids, convince your spouse it is necessary, and then just go for it. It helps if you have been active in the child creation business in the first place!! As the Norwegians say , you can only have as much fun as you create yourself!

- Have a drink! OK not at 3 pm but at an appropriate time. God knows we all need one…..and you probably wont be driving to work or to kids activities anyway……and shure its only once a year.

It doesn’t have to be green and you can have it in or with your coffee. Raise your glass to your country and to the health of your family, your friends and your neighbors.
- Post your pictures on our FB site and on your own social media sites to show us all that there is plenty of life and joy on this day

- Stay safe and follow the health authorities’ advice

Thanks to all our sponsors and supporters, our pipers, dancers, dogs and all who usually contribute to our events (and anyone else I might have missed).
A special thought and thanks to all our volunteers in the Norwegian Irish Society who have worked hard to organise SPD events in Norway this year only to see them cancelled. Know that your contribution of time and talent is very much appreciated ….we will come back stronger in the future.
Beir beannacht
Conn Fagan
President Norwegian Irish Society