Let’s Sing workshop: This is a social event where you can learn some basic Irish language words and join the choir in learning a new Sean Nos song. You’ll have the opportunity to perform it at a concert with Aoife Ní Fhearraigh at Féile Oslo in August, if you’re interested!
Venue: Posten building, Biskop Gunnerus’ gate 14A. 3. Stage, Innovation Hub.
Time & Date: 12:00 – 16:00, Saturday 13th April 2024.
Organised by: Mná Oslo Irish Choir
When you arrive: Sign in at Posten building reception & we will bring you up to the training area
12:00 – 13:00 Lunchtime – Sandwiches, scones, cake and drinks (water, saft, tea/coffe) will be provided. Bring your own lunch if you have any specialities. .
13:00 – 16:00 Room: Innovation Room
- Learn a “cúpla focal” (a few words) of Irish language to help sing songs in Irish with Gearóid Mac Aodha. You might even earn a Cúpla Focal badge
– 50 min.
- Learn a new Sean Nos song with Cecilie Stensrud as instructor & Brendan Monaghan as musical accomplement. We will all prepare & sing this song at a concert with Aoife Ní Fhearraigh in August ‘24 in Oslo on the first day of Féile Oslo. https://www.feileoslo.com/.
Guest male and female singers are very welcome to join Mná Oslo Irish Choir for this session – 2 hours.
Tickets cost 250 kr. Accept this event invite – https://fb.me/1Qwc9pFiKrcnE3X and PM Nollaig McBrien Johansen (95063315) or Annalisa Reuter if you have any questions.
PAYMENT: Please make payment (250kr) to Annalisa to secure your place by Tuesday 9th April ’24 – Vipps to 97764816
PS: It is not a requirement that you can speak any Irish but if you want to sing with us but it’s very helpful if you can sing in tune